19-23 Jun 2017 Lyon (France)




Monday 19th June


9h-9h30: Registration and coffee

(Entrance hall of ENTPE)


9h30-10h15: Project presentation “Introducing SHAPE ENERGY: The importance of energy-related social sciences and humanities”

Speaker: Chris Foulds (Anglia Ruskin University)

Amphi F217


10h15-11h: Talk “Social Sciences and Humanities within Horizon 2020: meeting European energy challenges”

Speaker: Gerd Schönwälder (European Commission)


11h-11h30: Workshop 1

Call for evidence


11h30-12h30: Talk “Global Energy Dilemmas”

Speaker: Michael Bradshaw (Warwick Business School)



12h30-13h30h: lunch break


13h45-15h45h: Workshop 2

Young researchers presentations

Convenor: Nathalie Ortar (LAET/ENTPE/CNRS/University of Lyon)

Chairs: Chris Foulds / Sara Heidenreich / Patrick Sumpf

Amphi F217 + rooms E15 – E16


15h45-16h: break


16h-18h: Workshop 2

Young researchers presentations

Amphi F217 + rooms E15 – E16


18h: Welcome address by Luc Delattre (Head of Research Department, ENTPE)


(Entrance hall)






Tuesday 20th June


9h-10h45: Workshop 3

Energy challenge

Convenor: Patrick Sumpf (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)

Amphi F217 + rooms E15 – E16


10h45-11h: coffee break


11h-12h: Project presentation “Developing, testing and assessing options for cross-cultural transformation of energy use in households”

Speaker: Gary Goggins (National University of Ireland)


12h00-13h30: lunch break


13h30-15h30: Talk "Thinking the energy transition from the point of view of the political economy”

Speaker: Aurèlia Mané Estrada (University of Barcelona)


15h30-18h: Talk “From story-telling to future scenarios of socio-energy assemblage in cities”

Speaker: Gilles Debizet (PACTE/Grenoble Alpes University)


Evening: town tour



Wednesday 21st June


Living labs

1: Bike experiment with practitioners and researchers organized by IMUalpha

Amphi F217 + rooms D114 – D116

2: Energy experiment organized by Mohamed El Mankibi (ENTPE/University of Lyon)



Thursday 22nd June


9h-10h15: Talk “Health and energy poverty”

Speaker: Ute Dubois (International Business School, Paris)

Amphi F217 + rooms E15 – E16


10h15-10h30: coffee break


10h30-12h: Talk “Path-dependencies in the energy sector and their relationship to energy poverty”

Speaker: Stefan Bouzarovsky (University of Manchester)


12h-13h30: lunch break


13h30- 16h30: Workshop 4

Creating consistent socio-technological energy scenarios

Convenor: Annika Weiss (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)

Amphi F217 + rooms E15 – E16



Friday 23rd June


9h00-10h00: Talk “From social practices to energy consumption”

Speaker: Nathalie Ortar (LAET/ENTPE/CNRS/University of Lyon)

Amphi F217


10h-10h15: coffee break


10h15-12h: Workshop 5

Energy citizenship

Convenor: Sara Heidenreich (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

Amphi F217


12h-13h30: Lunch break


13h30-15h30: Talk "Public acceptability of energy sources, systems, and policies"

Speaker: Goda Perlaviciute (University of Groningen)

Amphi F217







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